Sunday, May 15, 2011

My May flowers

My plants are growing!! For the longest time I thought that I had a brown thumb, brown as in the color my plants turned after a few weeks. I think my issue wasn't the lack of attention but rather the over abundant suffocating care, aka "love", that I literally poured into my plants day in and day out. About a year after I moved to DC I decided to try again. I got my peace lily and Christmas cactus at Home Depot when my friends and I went to pick out a Christmas tree. I did a little research and they seemed to be pretty fool proof plants; great for my low gardening self-esteem. Time went on, and the next Christmas my cactus was in bloom! I took this as an official sign of success, and a sign that I should buy another plant. This time I wanted to get a plant that had some color year-round. I opted for an African violet. Luckily I asked the clerk about its care before I left because African violets HATE to get water on them. What makes them happy is to slurp the water up from underneath. I would say my African violet is my favorite little sprout, and I am very proud at its current bloom! Once we got away from the nasty chlorine saturated DC water it seemed to do a lot better.

My Aunt Donna is well known for her landscaping back home. Each Spring her immaculate lawn and large, southern porch transform into a place out of the book The Secret Garden. Although I don't have a yard to plant things in, she has inspired me to get some pretty blossoms to keep my other plants company. I can only hope that I become half the master gardener that she is.

I also wanted to start an herb garden. Right now I have mint, basil, and oregano. We'll see if I can keep these alive and have unlimited mint juleps and Italian food for the summer. I also planted poppies! Poppies were EVERYWHERE when Kavan and I went to Cali last year. I can't wait to see them here in Boston! :)